Cessez la surpêche et sauvez 10 espèces de poissons menacés

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Saviez-vous que les eaux de l'Atlantique Sud des États-Unis ont  la plus grande diminution des populations de poissons que toute autre région dans la nation?

Dix espèces ont un besoin critique de protection
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End Overfishing -- A Chance to Save 10 Species
Target: Chairman Duane Harris, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Sponsored by: Pew Environment Group
Did you know U.S. South Atlantic waters have more dwindling fish populations than any other region in the nation?

Ten species are in critical need of protection -- from black, red and gag grouper that make up the popular fish sandwich to the Warsaw grouper, a gentle giant that can grow nearly eight feet long and weigh up to 440 pounds. Additionally, red snapper populations have plummeted to just 3 percent of 1945 levels, and although they can live up to 54 years, few are older than 10.

Regional fishery managers are currently working on important changes to fishing rules that would strengthen limits on the numbers of fish caught annually, prohibit fishing in some areas of the ocean where imperiled fish live and limit certain kinds of fishing so populations have time to replenish themselves.

You can help save these fish! Please send a letter to the chairman of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, asking for approval of the new rules to help end overfishing and preserve our ocean ecosystem for future generations.

Publié dans Pétition animaux

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