Pétition pour le climat : éviter le réchauffement climatique

Publié le par Bambou254

Center for Biological Diversity

Dear C.,

More than 300 organizations, including Public Citizen, Church World Service, the Indigenous Environmental Network, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and many others have joined the Center for Biological Diversity in a letter to the Senate asking for a strong global warming bill.

Your enthusiasm indicates that, like us, you believe this is the most important bill of our time -- and you believe that only a strong climate bill can help us avoid catastrophic global warming. Now we need your help making sure your senator takes note of our letter.

As you read this email, the Senate is finishing up work on a companion bill to the deeply flawed House legislation on global warming that is slated to be introduced in September when the Senate returns from recess. Our time to act is now.

During the week of August 31, 2009, people across the country will be personally delivering our letter to the local offices of their senators. We need your help to make as big an impact as we possibly can. Will you hand-deliver our letter? Email Rose Braz, our climate campaign coordinator, at rbraz@biologicaldiversity.org for more information.

Click here for more ways to take action.

If you have trouble following the link, go to http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/2167/t/5243/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=2054.

Please take action by September 7, 2009.

Donate now to support our work.

Coal-fired power plant photo (c) Phillip J. Redman.

This message was sent to Sayou254@hotmail.com.

The Center for Biological Diversity sends out newsletters and action alerts through DemocracyinAction.org. Click here if you'd like to check your profile and preferences. Let us know if you'd like to stop receiving action alerts and newsletters from us.

Center for Biological Diversity

P.O. Box 710

Tucson, AZ 85702


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